MRCEPC organizes medical personnel for community emergencies
It takes volunteers to keep the MRCEPC prepared to respond to emergencies.
MRCEPC can use your skills in logistics, administration, operations, public relations, adn volunteer recruitment. Talk to your team lead or send us an email if any of these areas are of interest.
Establish a collaborative community-based citizen volunteer MRC unit in El Paso County integrated with city and county emergency response plans and closely linked to the Citizen Corps in each region.
Assess needs and develop training and education opportunities for MRC volunteers to assure that they are effective, efficient and safely integrated into current emergency planning and response.
Provide volunteers with additional skills to work effectively in emergencies with patients and be available to assist and support public health efforts as needed.
Provide an organized framework for MRC activities.
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The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) of El Paso County brings together persons and agencies involved in emergency planning and response in order to share and coordinate information and plans in a manner most beneficial to our region.
We work with the city and county offices of emergency management, regional Citizen Corps’, health departments and state agencies to coordinate and integrate, as appropriate, into existing, broader emergency and response plans. Through these efforts, we bring a greater predictability to volunteer resource capability and strengthen medical response in disaster and public health areas of need and can reach “surge” capacity if needed.